Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Hot Club

FLASH/SCOOP - Jim Dawson left the Hot Club. Yes, the Sportzine writer and Hot Club regular went to Meritage last Friday with Mr. D. However after awhile the duo returned to the comforts of the Hot Club.

Wise told me Wednesday that he hasn't been getting Sportzine lately. Foot Joy chimed in, "You didn't miss anything."

The Celts game was on. Hooks remembered World B. Free. Yes. 'Lloyd' until he changed it. As Hooks recalled World B never passed up a shot. I brought up Larry Bird's nickname for Kevin McHale - 'black hole'. The ball goes into him and never comes out. FJ said that as a result Bird wouldn't pass it to McHale until he had gotten to his spot.

Wise was reminded of Jack Sikma who had 'yellow hair', he said. Foot Joy said that Larry Bird once made a pass to Robert Parish by bouncing it between Sikma's legs

The Bear was in the house Wednesday. Good to see him out of his cave.

In a conversation with Alex the Grate and Sean, I mentioned being stationed in Turkey and sending home meerschaum pipes to my fraternity brothers. In Turkey the pipes were cheap - $5-$10. I told them meerschaum, which is German, means 'sea spray' and that oddly Turkey is one of the only places that you can refine meerschaum. So Alex got his dictionary from his car and looked it up."It's 'sea foam' ", he said. A white clayey mineral that is a hydrous magnesium silicate. A great smoke because the pipe is so porous.

Overheard and seen at the Hot Club: wild woman says to man while touching his scarf, "Is this felt? It is now."

Beau mentioned that someone actually blamed Wise for the Patriots Super Bowl loss! "Yeah", said Wise. "It was Contraire."

Foot Joy recalled 'The Newlywed Game'. I used to call it "The Divorce Game" because some of the questions could end with an answer that might lead to a divorce. Foot Joy says he remembers the worst question and answer on The Newlywed Game. Bob Eubanks asked a husband, "What's the strangest place you ever made whoopee?" Hubby responded, "That would be in the butt, Bob."

WANT AD - Hairdresser Desired: for Citizen Caroline, Julie, Nicole and Patti.


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