Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Hot Club

In observing all the young people on the Hot Club deck on a recent Friday, Gentleman Joe recalled his father’s words: “Youth is wasted on the young.”

I was telling Fleet Feet Pete and Dr. John that when I was in grad school, I had to take Calculus. The best Calc teacher was in Newport. You had to pay the Newport Bridge toll so I bought tokens. One night I was close to being late for class. When I tossed in the token, the light didn’t go red to green. And when I continued through, alarms went off. On the way home, the same thing happened. That night I found the tokens on my bureau. I had taken my daughter’s Chuck E. Cheese coins.

Dr. John was talking about Lyle Lovett and his Large Band. The Good Doctor said he liked a Lovett song called If I Were The Man That You Wanted, I Would Not Be The Man That I Am. John wondered if Lyle wrote it for Julia Roberts.

The Friday deck was full of youths. One woman walked by and had a quite pronounced strut. Our name for such a lass was always “strutter.” Which made me think of the song Strutter. I thought it was Noddy Holder and Slade, but actually it was done by Kiss.

ORric said “Ride ’em hard and put ’em away wet.”

The Perfusionist is going to RI Hospital. No more Miriam? No, he’ll still be there but they’re consolidating.

As some men ogled the women on the deck, a voice asked if there were a band called “Dirty Old Men”. From there it went to a new nickname for one of the ardent admirers of pulchritude: DOM - Dirty Old Man.

A young woman was wearing a flimsy top with a single tie in back. As she strolled by, someone said she’d probably got all the other women mad at her. In unison two voices replied, “The Noive.”

Asked Adam if he had seen anything good, and he said Attack the Block, which just opened here. He downloaded it. It’s a British movie about an alien attack on a block defended by a teen gang. Will have to check it out.

There was a stranger in the HC in a white costume with Made On Honor in the front – it was a person-size can of Narragansett Beer. Who was inside? It was a ‘Tall Boy’ can, so it must have been a guy.

Sportzine is also available at (Thanks to Buffalo Steve)


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