Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Hot Club

THE HOT CLUB WHERE HEARTS ARE ON FIRE BUT IT’S NEVER TOO HOT FOR THE DEVIL MAY CARE 575 South Water Street, Prov. We were talking about lawyers, and Fleet Feet Pete said that one of Murphy’s laws or axioms is: “Hell hath no fury like a lawyer on a contingency fee.” The conversation turned to great Red Sox players since the TV showed the celebration of the All-Fenway team. We were talking naturally about Ted Williams when Mike Module opined that they are selling off parts of Ted’s brain in Arizona where he is cryogenically frozen. Bits and Pieces. I told him that was cold. Ted’s in the Cryogenic 100. The Wizard told me a story about being in a store with his sister. At some point, he had her paged. In the page, Wiz described his sister as ‘deaf and volatile’. He then described what she was wearing. So I said that she must have been pretty mad at him and asked the Wizard what she said to him. Foot Joy interjected, “She signed.” Yes, she signed with her middle finger. The Bear, Mike Module and I were reminiscing about growing up in Pawtucket. Both the Bear and the Module had chemistry sets. Mike Module noted that you could do some damage with some of the items in that chemistry set. It was also mentioned that a lot of kids had erector sets. Those are two items that today’s kids don’t have. Instead of building things, they are playing video games or with phones and PDAs. The Wise Man posed a baseball question to us: Didn’t the baseball season always end on a Sunday unlike this year’s finish on a Wednesday? FootJoy and I had to agree. We couldn’t remember it ever happening in the past. Must have something to do with the extra playoff teams and games. According to my sources, Jen Riley recently paid a visit to the Hot Club. We wish her well. ORric tells me that after the Civil War a lot of the Confederate soldiers fled to the Bahamas. Yep, per Wikipedia: “A considerable number of Bahamians can trace their ancestry back to Southerners who left the States both before and during the war.” Seems that the Confederates used Nassau as a jumping off point for its blockade runners. Per Wikipedia, by the end of the war, 397 ships sailed from the Confederacy to Nassau and 588 ships went from Nassau to the Confederacy (many to Charleston, SC, the largest Confederate port on the Atlantic Coast). Sportzine is also available at jimdawsonsports.com (Thanks to Buffalo Steve)


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