The Hot Club
Just a reminder for Super Bowl fans, Mike Solomon invites all Sportzine readers to the annual "Wes' Rib House Super Bowl Party" Sunday night to watch the big game. Wes’ Rib House is at 38 Dike St. in Providence (421-9090). The Super Bowl starts at 6PM. There is a free buffet at half time for anyone who is at Wes’ before the game starts. So stop on by and feast on ribs, chicken and other incredible edibles while watching The Game. And tell’em Sportzine sent you.
Fleet Feet Pete came into the Hot Club and said, “It’s dead.” I said, “But you’re alive. We’re alive. It’s all good.”
The Man on Fire said “Happy New President’s Day.” We all wanted to celebrate that.
Someone (the Bear, Glenn Live It Up?) said that when the helicopter was taking George W. Bush away, the crowd began singing the Steam song Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Word is that Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow were leading the singers.
Listening to Little Feat on the jukebox doing a version of Dixie Chicken. Got to see Little Feat and Lowell George way back when they did the album with jello on the front. Fleet Feet Pete liked the version of Fat Man in the Bathtub which is on Waiting For Columbus. I said the irony was that Lowell George reportedly died in a bathtub of too much drugs and alcohol. Googling (Wikipedia) shows that Lowell George died 6/29/79 in a Marriott hotel in Arlington, VA of a massive heart attack. There were no drugs nor alcohol involved, and it appears he was not found in the bathtub.
According to Fleet Feet Pete, another Murphy’s Law or Murphyism:
“Hell hath no fury like a lawyer on a contingency fee.”
The juke box was playing an ABBA hit. I mentioned that at one time, ABBA had sold more albums worldwide than even the Beatles. Not anymore. A Google search indicates that ABBA sold over 370 million worldwide while the Beatles sold over a billion.
Kirk Feather was reminiscing about a trip to Field’s Point (circa 1969) when he was to be inducted into the armed services. A Marine sergeant asked everyone to fill out a form which asked if you ever belonged to any Communist-influenced organizations like the Maryknolls, Sisters of Mercy, the Friends of Quakers, any Episcopal group, et al. Some 20 sordid organizations. When Kirk asked about some of the organizations listed, the sergeant told him “Sign the blank form kid!” He did. The military didn’t induct him.
Fleet Feet Pete came into the Hot Club and said, “It’s dead.” I said, “But you’re alive. We’re alive. It’s all good.”
The Man on Fire said “Happy New President’s Day.” We all wanted to celebrate that.
Someone (the Bear, Glenn Live It Up?) said that when the helicopter was taking George W. Bush away, the crowd began singing the Steam song Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Word is that Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow were leading the singers.
Listening to Little Feat on the jukebox doing a version of Dixie Chicken. Got to see Little Feat and Lowell George way back when they did the album with jello on the front. Fleet Feet Pete liked the version of Fat Man in the Bathtub which is on Waiting For Columbus. I said the irony was that Lowell George reportedly died in a bathtub of too much drugs and alcohol. Googling (Wikipedia) shows that Lowell George died 6/29/79 in a Marriott hotel in Arlington, VA of a massive heart attack. There were no drugs nor alcohol involved, and it appears he was not found in the bathtub.
According to Fleet Feet Pete, another Murphy’s Law or Murphyism:
“Hell hath no fury like a lawyer on a contingency fee.”
The juke box was playing an ABBA hit. I mentioned that at one time, ABBA had sold more albums worldwide than even the Beatles. Not anymore. A Google search indicates that ABBA sold over 370 million worldwide while the Beatles sold over a billion.
Kirk Feather was reminiscing about a trip to Field’s Point (circa 1969) when he was to be inducted into the armed services. A Marine sergeant asked everyone to fill out a form which asked if you ever belonged to any Communist-influenced organizations like the Maryknolls, Sisters of Mercy, the Friends of Quakers, any Episcopal group, et al. Some 20 sordid organizations. When Kirk asked about some of the organizations listed, the sergeant told him “Sign the blank form kid!” He did. The military didn’t induct him.