Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Hot Club

Hooks used to go to Twins Pizza regularly for 30 years. Then he complained to the woman at the counter when he waited 45 minutes for his pizza after being told it would take 15. The woman at the counter was the owner and suggested that he not come back if he didn’t like it. He hasn’t been back since.

Mike Module said that a good winter day for kids was to make some money shoveling snow, then to stop by Helen’s Spa for some candy, and go to Margaret’s Bakery for ‘ends’. The bakery had bags of ‘ends’, the ends of the lemon, fig and date squares that they sold. Margaret’s would give away the ends to kids for free.

I predicted to Foot Joy that the Red Sox would win another World Series because they’ve re-signed the Captain, Jason Varitek. Foot Joy disputed this notion and said ’Tek would ground out with the bases loaded and the Sox would lose. We’ll see.

Kevin On Fire said he’d help advertize Sportzine by putting the logo on his ass while running around the neighborhood.

Pucky pointed out that the Comcast broadcast of the Super Bowl in Arizona showed viewers a porn movie near the end of the game. Said the Warden, “They saw the wrong Super Bowl.” I said, “Super Ball.”

Different ring tones – Charlie Hughes has the ESPN musical intro.

Jokin’ Joe had another lawyer joke: “Why are scientists using lawyers instead of rats in science experiments? Because there are some things that you can’t get the rats to do.”

After I said that Wednesdays at the HC have become like a gulag, Frequent Flyer suggested that there may be a connection between gulag and goulash – because there’s a lot of shit mixed together. This Wednesday there will be music at the Hot Club.

Charlie Clancy had a good idea. We should go to a monorail system in Rhode Island like the one in Disney World and transport people to the malls that way. Just park your car and go.

Frequent Flyer said that the monorail system wouldn’t work in Rhode Island because no one has a piece of the action or a vested interest in a monorail franchise.


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