The Hot Club
575 South Water Street
Providence, RI
Jen, the HC’s bartender from the North Country, is a hockey fan (Montreal Canadiens). She admitted to rooting for the Canucks in the Stanley Cup Finals. I told her that if Vancouver didn’t win Game #5 at home they were done because they weren’t going to win Game #6 in Boston.
After the Bruins’ Michael Ryder scored goal #2 in Game #4, the Jack of Fire said: “Luongo’s all stick, no glove.” And the Bear ambled in and said Mark Recchi is the Bruin’s leading goal scorer (Finals). Yes, with 3 goals. Now Marchand and Rider have 3 also after the Game #6 win.
Scott McKay was talking up UVM’s Tim Thomas. Turns out Scott is also a graduate of the University of Vermont. Journalism? No, a history major. Instead of journalism, Scott says you take a lot of history, English and economics.
It was Buffalo Steve’s birthday and he was in the Hot Club. Charlie Clancy said he only celebrates his birthday every other year now. Charlie said it’s every other year because they go by twice as fast.
The Hot Club as Hotel California: Last Friday, the club was visited by Fran and Dan. Fran, the ‘Yankee Man’, was actually there with a cap-wearing Red Sox fan. And Dan, a good friend of Charlie Clancy’s, was also in the house. Dan hasn’t been around much, but he was at Lupo’s (as I was) when Richard Thompson played (10/28/10) last year. One of the best concerts I’ve seen in a long time. Fleet Feet Pete was there too.
Gentlemen Joe pointed out to me new ‘L’ brackets along the edge of the roof on the outside bar overlooking the marina. The whole roof was lifted up about a foot after the last thunder and lightning storm. Joe noted that the fabric canopy over Bar 5 was gone, torn to shreds, and three trees along the outside curb were snapped off. Mother Nature!
Wonder of wonders! Give thanks to the Gods of toiletry, the HC’s men’s room’s new right urinal has a companion on the left. Intrepid reporter Bags provided the News Flash.
In more ‘down the toilet’ news, the one in the men’s room stall makes a whooshing sound so you know that’s new too. These factoids were confirmed by Chief Poobah Eben Bates, who spilled that the ladies’ room fixtures have also been redone. Hooray!
So the next time I was using the men’s room, a newbie was complaining about how big the urinals were. I told him “This is better than it was.” He didn’t believe it.
575 South Water Street
Providence, RI
Jen, the HC’s bartender from the North Country, is a hockey fan (Montreal Canadiens). She admitted to rooting for the Canucks in the Stanley Cup Finals. I told her that if Vancouver didn’t win Game #5 at home they were done because they weren’t going to win Game #6 in Boston.
After the Bruins’ Michael Ryder scored goal #2 in Game #4, the Jack of Fire said: “Luongo’s all stick, no glove.” And the Bear ambled in and said Mark Recchi is the Bruin’s leading goal scorer (Finals). Yes, with 3 goals. Now Marchand and Rider have 3 also after the Game #6 win.
Scott McKay was talking up UVM’s Tim Thomas. Turns out Scott is also a graduate of the University of Vermont. Journalism? No, a history major. Instead of journalism, Scott says you take a lot of history, English and economics.
It was Buffalo Steve’s birthday and he was in the Hot Club. Charlie Clancy said he only celebrates his birthday every other year now. Charlie said it’s every other year because they go by twice as fast.
The Hot Club as Hotel California: Last Friday, the club was visited by Fran and Dan. Fran, the ‘Yankee Man’, was actually there with a cap-wearing Red Sox fan. And Dan, a good friend of Charlie Clancy’s, was also in the house. Dan hasn’t been around much, but he was at Lupo’s (as I was) when Richard Thompson played (10/28/10) last year. One of the best concerts I’ve seen in a long time. Fleet Feet Pete was there too.
Gentlemen Joe pointed out to me new ‘L’ brackets along the edge of the roof on the outside bar overlooking the marina. The whole roof was lifted up about a foot after the last thunder and lightning storm. Joe noted that the fabric canopy over Bar 5 was gone, torn to shreds, and three trees along the outside curb were snapped off. Mother Nature!
Wonder of wonders! Give thanks to the Gods of toiletry, the HC’s men’s room’s new right urinal has a companion on the left. Intrepid reporter Bags provided the News Flash.
In more ‘down the toilet’ news, the one in the men’s room stall makes a whooshing sound so you know that’s new too. These factoids were confirmed by Chief Poobah Eben Bates, who spilled that the ladies’ room fixtures have also been redone. Hooray!
So the next time I was using the men’s room, a newbie was complaining about how big the urinals were. I told him “This is better than it was.” He didn’t believe it.