The Hot Club
Last Friday the Hot Club was graced by the presence of Patti Quimby who stopped by with a couple friends. Patti is always a welcome sight at the HC where she once bartended, making scores of friends and fans.
The Hot Club has a couple new High Def TVs, welcome additions to the bar, improving the view for all sports fans.
Stephanie stopped by and liked her inclusion in last week’s Zine where she pointed out that she was left standing there while we men talked cars. It reminded me that Vinnie had pointed out that Ford did not make many of its car parts universal while competitor Chevrolet did. Then I recalled that Stephanie was there and we were talking cars again.
The Falcon has landed. Per my investigative reporter, the Falcon was spotted holding court outside the Whole Foods at the Sockanosset Crossroads in Cranston. The sleuth told me that the Falcon takes breaks to go inside Whole Foods and score the freebies. That should keep up his calorie count. My Mickey Spillane says that the Falcon still is selling that Iranian money he cornered the market on.
Contraire overheard this conversation and while he knows the Falcon did not seem to know about Sockanosset Crossroads, repeatedly referring to the river instead. Contraire doesn’t get outside of Providence much, especially the Atwells Avenue corridor. Of course it might just be Contraire being contrary again.
Kelley passed the mosquito zapper (looks like a small tennis racket) to Claudia. Claudia, whom we are glad to see back working at the HC, said that the bug zapper can be dangerous – to humans. Claudia said that if you hit someone in the face with the bug zapper that it could fry their face. Foot Joy said “Where’s Contraire?” Yes, zap that bug!
I asked Foot Joy if the Red Sox had won their afternoon game against the Mariners. Foot Joy (and Contraire who chimed in) told me that the Sox were playing a night game. Yet I had seen it in the Journal sports - a 3:30 game. So I searched for a ProJo which the HC usually has hanging around but to no avail. Foot Joy and Contraire of course ragged on me for not getting it right. When I got home I checked the ProJo – yup they had it as a 3:30 day game.